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Good Ideas Department

Here's a short list of items that I've configured or developed that made good sense at the time and may do the same for you.  To my knowledge - and as of release 46C - most of these have not yet been replaced or provided in standard SAP. 


I have not gone into much detail in each description, but anyone with partial knowledge of the application area shouldn't have too much trouble understanding what I'm talking about:

    Use SD-CAS (Computer Aided Selling) direct-mailing activities to generate multiple customer orders.

    (I've done this for a few customer implementations over the years and it still works well as of 46C) Standard SAP works by taking the address list and the product proposal (list of products & quantities) linked to the mass mailing activity and through an output type, creates a single order with the products from the product proposal.  The idea is that the single order requirement would cover the products and quantities required to satisfy delivering to all of the addresses in the address list.

    By slightly modifying the output program, it is possible to create a single order per address entry, which are then shipped using your standard delivery due process.

    Additional modifications can allow you to re-process the address list in that activity repeatedly (SAP doesn't allow this as standard)

    The standard functionality could do with some improvement in terms of user-friendliness - you can greatly improve it through a single output configuration (no mod involved here!)


  • Use transaction output processing for outbound interfaces

    Enormous flexibility for real-time outbound interfaces is the benefit here!  You can use all of the functionality of standard output processing to trigger if/when the interface should be processed.  As secondary benefits, each SAP document holds the status of the processing run in the output (or messages) screen (as well as any custom messages in the output processing log).  You can also (with a copy of a slightly changed  - 1 line -  RSNAST00) re-process the interface output programs for relevant documents in a batch run.

    Note that in some cases, interfacing a document to a custom bolt-on or interface requiring SAP's document number via a userexit is not possible.  At that stage, SAP has not yet assigned the document number to the transaction.  In these cases, output processing is a very attractive solution as SAP has determined the document number and saved the transaction to the database when output processing is processed.

  • Develop a report to list specific pricing conditions used in sales order/billing transactions at condition access level.

    SAP provides no way (up to 46C) to report down to condition and access level. 

    Example: To clarify:  You have a standard price ZP01 that defines a material price to a ship-to based on one of two accesses in a pricing access sequence:

    Access Sequence

    010    SalesOrg, Distr Channel, Business transaction type, Ship-to, (Material, Price,...)
    020    SalesOrg, Ship-to, (Material, Price,...)

    Now let's say that we have the following condition records:

    Condition/ Access 010

    Sales Org Distr Ch Bus Trans Type Ship-to Material Unit Price
    9001  10  1  845601  990001  10.25
    9001  10  2  845601  990001  11.44
    9001  10  3  845601  990001  12.66

    Condition/ Access 020

    Sales Org Distr Ch                Ship-to Material Unit Price
    9001  10    845601  990001  14.01

    Now try and answer the following query:  What document items received a special price for a material based on Bus Transaction type over the past 3 weeks?  Add to that "what was the breakdown?".

    As of 46C, SAP doesn't provide a standard report to list this information.  YOU CAN report on what bus transaction type, material and ship-to were used in any set of transactions, but how do you know if any condition was found that specifically matched Business Transaction type and ship-to?

    I may include the logic to read the pricing at a later stage, but the results of the (ALV) report could look something like this:

    Doc# Sales Org Distr Ch Bus Trans Type               Ship-to Material Count Unit Price
    120023 9001 10 1 845601 990001 1 10.25
    120123 9001 10 1 845601 990001 1 10.25
    120127 9001 10 1 845601 990001 1 10.25
    Sub-Total     1     3 30.75
    121330 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    130011 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    131031 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    132001 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    132500 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    132510 9001 10 2 845601 990001 1 11.44
    Sub-Total     2     6 68.64
    Grand-Total           9 99.39

    To summarize, you can see the following things from a report like this:

    1.    How often a specific condition is used
    2.    Compare how often a different price is given for the same material and ship-to
    3.    Quantify the revenue impact of your pricing structure and
    4.    Provide a base for adopting different pricing approaches.

    Once you have this level of information, you can make further decisions about whether your pricing structure works and what changes could be made to streamline your pricing approach.